It's kind of strange how time plays tricks on you...sometimes it feels like it's going so fast that you can barely see what's happening and other times it just creeps along like a slug. Well, that's pretty much how this pregnancy has gone...but now we are in the home stretch. Only 10 weeks or 70 days until the baby is due. That still seems a bit far off at times...but then reality sets in and I know that it will be here before I know it.
On Friday morning I had my most recent appointment with Dr. Clayton and he asked me a few questions which really made reality sink in.
"Do you want an epidural?"
"Yes, " I answer him.
"I would too if I were you, " he replies.
"You're having a boy, right?"
"Yes," I answer.
"Do you want him to be circumcised?"
"You know, we will let you deliver up to 4 weeks early."
"Really? Wow. Well, I doubt he'll come early...the other two were quite content to stay where they were..."
"Yes...and they were both big babies too! So, we'll do everything we can to make sure you don't go over with this one. Once they reach 9 1/2 lbs then it's usually better to get them out."
"Great...I agree with you 100%!!!"
"Ok, let me measure you and we'll see where we're at."
He proceeds to listen to the baby's heart beat (156 bpm) and then measures my belly. "Yep, you're getting bigger! Come back and see me in 2 weeks and if you've gotten bigger at that point then we'll have an ultrasound to see how big this baby is so far."
"Ok," I say...stunned that I'm already at the point to be seeing my OB every two weeks!
So, after that visit I really felt like I needed to start getting things done - JUST IN CASE - this baby does decide to come early...or he's really big and they induce me early...or whatever! So I wiped down the crib and put it together and talked to Brad about getting a new carseat...I started thinking about sorting through the bins of baby clothes I have...but decided that could wait just a little bit longer. I've been trying to figure out if I want the baby to sleep in my room in the bassinet at first, or try to keep him upstairs in his room. AHHH I don't know. Then I started thinking of how we are going to rearrange the car seats to make room for the baby carrier. We have the HUGE Britax Regent car seats for Jakob and Joshua, and I am HOPING and PRAYING that they will both fit in the 3rd row so that we can put the baby in the middle of the 2nd row. Well, I'm sure we'll figure it all out...I"m not very stressed out about it right now. Not yet at least...I'm not in full blown nesting mode yet. :)
So, some of you know that we've decided to name this little guy Andrew James...and probably call him Drew, or Andrew, but not Andy. (I just don't think Andy sounds right with Hanson...) We've told our boys that's what we're going to call him and Jakob is starting to catch on...I know this for a fact because while I was putting up their names in their room (those little wooden letters that you hang on the wall...) Jakob was spelling his name and and then said, "Andrew." I turned to him and said, "Who's that?" and he said, "Um, our baby!" very matter-of-factly. It was so cute...kind of like, "DUH MOM!" He's such a character...and so is Joshy. I remember not being able to imagine what another little boy would be like after just having Jakob who is so funny...and then comes Joshy with his own funny little personality. It just makes me that much more excited to see what kind of personality our little Drew will have. Well, I only have to wait about 10 more weeks to find out!
Let the countdown begin!!!!!!!