Well, last night, she called. AHHHH. Apparently she got two quotes, one is $699 and will take 5 days to repair, and the other is $430 and will only take a couple of days...but she will also need a rental car while it's in the shop. I'm glad we have insurance, but not glad that we have a $500 deductible. :( Oh well... even though it is a big pain, I am truly glad that it wasn't a little kindergartener behind my car. Cars are just THINGS. They are replaceable/fixable. Just thinking about it that way makes it a little easier to deal with.
Luckily the rest of my day went pretty well. I had my first paying photo session (YAY ME!) with a lady that needed some headshots for an upcoming concert series program. She was such a nice lady and it was really fun! I have a few family sessions coming up in the next two months, and I'm looking forward to those too! If you're interested in my progress as I'm building my portfolio, I'll be periodically updating my photoblog with sneak peaks from my sessions. Feel free to check it out and pass the word around! Thanks so much to all of you who make nice comments and even have let me practice on you, your kids and your families! :)
I did the same thing a long time ago. The girls were screaming in the car and I backed into a brand new mustang. I am glad you are doing good with your photography business, I can't wait to see the pictures.
Hi Shari, I would love to do some family pictures. We are well over due. Call me or email me so we can set something up. Your story about your car is not that bad.... I hit a guy on a bike a couple of hours ago. He was riding in the middle of a dark parking lot with no lights on his bike and just came right out in front of me. I didn't see him till he was right in front of me. He wasn't hurt but I was sooooo scared.
Gotta love Swiper the Fox. Jane and Maren love Dora and Jane pretends Swiper is chasing her sometimes.
Sorry you got in an accident...never fun.
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