Some took it more seriously than others...this is my friend Tom's car, complete with propeller and remote control! It was part of the "Anything Goes" Category. It was AWESOME!

Even though my car was cute, it was slow...mainly due to aerodynamics, placement of weight and the fact that the wheels were crooked. :) Oh well, it was my 1st EVER!

I won the "Tortoise Award" -- I'm sure you can figure that out!

to FUN!!! Brad is such a party pooper!!
I like the car, very cute. Your hair looks very nice, cute haircut.
Congrats...I love pinewood derbies. Your car looks awesome evven if it was slow : ).
Hey, at least you won something! It is admirable that you took on this project and were successful. You are a better woman than I. :D
So impressed you made your car yourself, i wouldn't have done that. Plus your car was super clever!
I love the racing shot!
I like your car and I like your hair--did you darken it? Cute cut.
I think your car looks awesome! Your the perfect mom to get all those boys through scouts :) I bet you'll be a car making expert by the time they are all grown!
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