I can hardly believe that this little chunk is now a year old! I really hate how fast time flies...and try to absorb each and every moment with my children as I know they will only be children for a short time. Aleksander is such a sweet boy. So happy-go-lucky and quick to smile and giggle. He has brought me immense joy and I can truly say that I am "in love" with him! He currently loves climbing on anything and everything, putting anything and everything into his mouth, playing peek-a-boo, laughing at his brothers, dancing, walking, babbling, napping, guzzling milk like it's going out of style, and flirting with whoever will give him the time of day.
I love you sweet angel, and am so thankful that you're mine.
Here's a glimpse at Aleks over the past year...
Birth |
1 week |
2 weeks |
1 month |
2 months |
3 months |
4 months |
5 months |
6 months |
7 months |
8 months
9 months
10 months |
11 months |
1 year |