
Dear Mom,

When I look at this picture of you holding me,
I know that you love me.
When I hear the advice you give me,
I know that you love me.
When you tell me that I'm a great mom,
I know that you love me.
Do you know how much I love you?
I hope so...
With every passing day/week/year,
I appreciate you more and more.
The sacrifices you made for my happiness may not have
been acknowledged then,
but they are now.
Now that I am a mother too,
I am beginning to understand just how much
love, patience, long suffering,
charity, service and worrying
you have done for me.
Thank you for loving me enough to guide me
and teach me how to be an honest, considerate
and respectable person.
I love you mom,
Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Matt and Kay Jones said...

I haven't checked in on you in so long! I just read all of your posts on this page and it made me miss you and your fam! I'm sorry I missed our birthday... Happy Birthday! We need to do dinner or a day at the park, or something. You let me know what works for you...