To which I reply, "Yes, they keep me very busy! But they are lots of fun!" and "Well, no, I'm not going to try for a girl, just for another baby." And even at that, some people give me weird looks like, "What? Three kids isn't enough?" -- Like I MUST be crazy to want more, right? Well they are partly right in thinking that I am crazy...I am a little crazy -- but fun-crazy, not crazy-loco-crazy! (ok, I lied. I am MUY LOCO!)
So, life with little boys is always an adventure and often a messy one! You'd be amazed at how much fun they can have with a little bit of dirt. Digging is a favorite pass time -- especially when they find a "bone" (a.k.a. old seashell) and exclaim, "I'm going to be FAMOUS!" (Jakob seems to think there are dinosaur bones in our garden...) Or when he finds a penny, and runs inside and says, "Mom, this is from ANCIENT times!" I just love the enthusiasm and the imagination that is shared with me on a daily basis. Jakob's mind never ceases to amaze me...the creativity, wonder and inquisitiveness (is that a word?) is such a special trait to his personality...I hope he never loses it! I do hope that he will get his act together at school though...and stop doing things like throwing his lunch box on the roof! Well, at least he didn't beat anyone up...I guess I should look on the bright side! Anyone know a cure for impulsiveness? j/k
Joshy has always been the LOUD and very, VERY crazy one. Always trying to keep up with Jakob, and very expressive about everything. Lately he seems to think it's hilarious to change the words of the song, "If You Chance To Meet A Frown" to generally say that if you meet a smile, you should turn it upside down and frown that smile away! What a little punk! He loves his mad faces and whenever we draw pictures he wants a mad/sad face, not a smiley face. I don't know why -- maybe it's his inner tough-guy coming through? But I know he is truly a softy...a mama's boy through and through...always giving me kisses and hugs and cuddles...even during sacrament meeting -- LOUD kissing smacks on my cheek...even in those moments when everyone around me is trying to be reverent and quiet, I can't help but chuckle and smile...and just try to savor that sweetness. Joshy is always moving...when he was a baby my mother-in-law dubbed him a "bumper car" and I believe that was the perfect description of him. He just never stopped...and is the same now!
Drewbie Drew is the most mellow, chill baby I have ever met. I have to remind myself every day not to take him for granted...sometimes I forget that he's been sitting in his high-chair for 20 minutes after a meal b/c he is just so quiet...never a squawk! Even when he is sick and has a fever...he doesn't complain much. He loves to play Pat-a-cake with me and has mastered rolling the dough and throwing it in the air -- he even says "throw" now! He also says "moon" and points to it in the sky. I can't believe how big he is getting and I love seeing more and more of his personality come out each day. We sometimes sing (to the tune of Scooby Doo) "Drewbie, Drewbie, Drew, where are you?" and now he will say "Are you?" after we say the first part...SO cute! And the talking out of the side of his mouth??? HELLO, how cute is that. Totally unique to him. He didn't learn it from me or Brad -- or his brothers. Such a sweet, good boy. I think Heavenly Father wanted to spoil me with an easy kid so that I'd be sure to have more!!! :)
I think my favorite times with my boys are when I get to sit back and observe them all playing together...laughing and giggling, playing chase, tickling eachother, etc. Those are the best moments and I hope that they grow up being best friends. It is all flying by so fast...and before I know it I will be sending Jakob off on his mission...taking Joshy to get his drivers license and watching Drew pass the Sacrament. (Ok, getting a bit choked up now! I better stop.) I guess I've just had this "live in the moment" attitude today because of a lyric from one of my favorite bands that says, "The future is no place to place your better days..." I believe that is true. Make today great. Don't worry about all the cleaning and laundry that needs to be done. Cherish your little ones and make memories with them that they will hold dear for years to come. They won't remember if the house was always clean or if the meals were gourmet...but they will remember that you played with them and hugged them tight often...
Well, due to a slow shutter speed, here is how I feel the time is flying by:

I adore your boys too!
Those are some of my favorite things about them too. And our babies will passing the sacrement before we know it...
I loved this sweet! These are the kind of posts that you are really going to enjoy going back and reading and especially your kids are going to enjoy going back and reading about how they were when they were little. What a wonderful little family you have and it makes me really happy that you are so openly talking about making it bigger. Way to champion families and motherhood! I don't think you are crazy at all!
Awwwww!! You're not suppose to make pregnant women cry ya know!
I love that you found unique things about all of your boys to share. I'm with you, boys are crazy sometimes, but a lot of fun!
I woke my girls up at five this morning to climb in bed with me. I had had a late meeting the night before and they were asleep before I got home. So I wanted some cuddle time and we got it. They were so happy to have special time in bed with mom before school. I guess it's not just me feeling the clock tick! I am trying to cherish this time too!
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