

I doubt anyone still reads this blog seeing as I haven't posted anything since February! This poor blog has been terribly neglected. Mostly because I haven't had time (haven't made time!) and haven't been inspired/motivated to blog. But that doesn't mean I don't think about it frequently...I come across thoughts and ideas quite often that I think would make great blog posts...but then when it comes down to it, it's just not important enough on my list of priorities/responsibilities, so it just stays neglected. So tonight, in honor and celebration of my TWENTIETH move, I am posting again. And I'd like to share a haiku about my blog: my poor lonely blog quietly unattended is waiting to scream I imagine having duct tape over my mouth, and because I'm bogged down with so many other things, I can't pull the tape off to give my thoughts and ideas a voice. Here's to hoping I will find my place back in the blogging world... I miss it...


Tobi said...

I can't wait to hear the screaming!!!

john + becky said...

Yes, please start blogging again! I love reading it. 20th move?!! Wow..you are a saint! Hope things settle down a bit for you soon.

Jennifer B. said...

When you rip off that duct tape, we'll be here.

Hanson Family said...

I still read your blog! You know we live far away and this is one way we stay connected! But I understand how busy you have been. Can't wait for you to blog again.