
7 Random Facts About Me

Ok Carrie -- I know it took me a while, but I finally got around to it!

Instructions: These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

1. I have freckles in weird places, one on the bottom of my foot, one on my ring finger (palm side), and one on my lip - like literally ON my lip - the pink part.

2. Most of you probably know this, but I played rugby for two years while I was in college. I loved it and I miss it. I'd love to play again, but I am not in shape (AND I'm pregnant!), my husband forbids it (I got injured alot!), and I don't want to be around all the swearing, beer and people with lifestyles that I don't agree with. (How's that for PC?)

3. If I wasn't a mom, I would be traveling the world right now. (don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom...but I've always dreamed of seeing the world and that dream never included toddlers tagging along!) :)

4. I have my fair share of pet peeves, but one that encourages me to set a good example for my kids is to always be polite and courteous. I can't stand rude people - you know, the ones who are rude just because they are rude. The ones who never say "please" or "thank-you" or who throw trash on the ground when there is a trash can 5 feet away or the ones who stand right outside your living room window (which is open) and smoke every 20 minutes....Ok, so there are a lot of pet peeves that can fall into the "rude" category...but you get my drift. I just feel like it IS important to always be considerate of other people if you expect people to be considerate of you.

5. When I was 8 years old I was carrying my little brother on my back running down a hill with a creek at the bottom. A few feet from the creek the grass became very wet and soggy/muddy and I slipped and fell and hit my head on some rocks. Blood was gushing everywhere and I was rushed to the ER where I watched in a mirror overhead as the doctor shaved my hair, and put stitches in. (I used to think I had 75 stitches, but for some reason I think that was exaggerated...) Anyway, the result is that I now have 2 inch scar on my head - and oh yeah, there is a freckle/mole on it. see, I do have freckles in weird places!

6. Another one of my dreams has been to own a harley - or to have a souped up car like the ones on the fast and the furious. When I had my old honda I used to imagine it getting pimped on "Pimp My Ride" and how cool that would be. I don't know about street racing, but just having the cool car would be so much fun! Can you imagine one of those cars with 2 carseats in the back? HA!

7. I have a collection of about 80-90 menus. It started in high school -- some of my friends used to collect them, so I started it too. Well, I still have all of those menus and hope to do something cool with them some day!

Ok, I don't know 7 people with blogs, so I am only tagging these 4:

1. Jodi
2. Evaly
3. Jennifer B.
4. Kay


Unknown said...

lol, I tagged you while you were on vacation, so I figured it would take some time!!

It was so good to see you!! Evan asked last night when my friend that was Jakob's mom was gonna come see us again!

Jodi said...

Shari, I've never been tagged before. I'm going to have to think long and hard to come up with 7 fun facts. Thanks for the challenge.