
Boy, (n): a noise with dirt on it

Have you ever seen that little quote about boys? Well, it is absolutely true when it comes to my 3 boys. Seriously, if there was nothing else in the world to play with but dirt, they'd be happy. At least once a day (lately) I see this:

When we first moved in, it was Joshy, multiple times a day, digging and burying toys in the dirt and generally just making a huge mess. He has since then gotten a bit bored with the dirt inside and his specialty is now the dirt outside. Usually Joshy is the one to get the dirtiest, but the other day while Drew and Joshy were napping, Jakob was playing in the backyard so I decided to watch the rest of a show I had missed on our DVR. Pretty soon I noticed it had gotten really quiet, and any of you moms out there know that when it gets too quiet, you know that means TROUBLE! I walked over to the sliding door to look out and saw Jakob buried in mud/dirt from the waist down (he was sitting) in our garden. He had dug a hole, turned on the hose to make mud, sat in it and then proceeded to bury himself. I couldn't even bring myself to take a picture -- I was in shock. I don't know why things like that surprise me, they shouldn't by now! Who needs transformers and trucks and trains when you can amuse yourself forever with dirt???


Kat said...

girl!!! you are just blowing me away with your photography! I opened up your blog for a little lift and I definitely got it looking at these pics!!!! STUNNING!

Evaly said...

We had a day of messes too...mud pies, markers, butterscotch pudding, sidewalk chalk, lasagna...and then BATHS! Very cute pictures of Andrew :) See you tomorrow.

LeBaron Family said...

How cute!
I think this is why I don't have plants in our house yet . . . .