We took the boys to a neighborhood nearby that always goes all out with lights and decorations. There is one house that has a table set up for kids to write letters to Santa, and a special mailbox to drop them in. Since we didn't make it over to Macy's this year, this is where the boys mailed their letters to Santa.

It's always fun looking at the lights, but I personally get a little freaked out by all the mannequins in the yards. See below:

Most of these neighborhoods (or tracts as they are called here) were built in the 60s or 70s...so when you see a house that has been remodeled like this one, it just seems out of place. Very nice remodel though!

On Christmas Eve we went over to Brad's brother Ken's house...on our way there, we drove by some houses to see some of the lights and we found the GRISWALD'S house!!!!!!

The kids had fun playing the Wii...

We read the Christmas story from Luke, and then decorated cookies to eat and to give to Santa

Then we went home, and the boys opened their new Christmas pajamas...here they are just before being tucked in...

We were shocked that they didn't wake up until about 6:30! I thought we'd be up around 5 for sure! Here they are, anxiously awaiting the discovery of the loot Santa left for them!

Joshy's dreams came true when he saw that we got a Wii! He think's it's HIS, not OURS. :)

I don't think Drew stood still for more than 2 seconds, he was all over the place! I'm bummed that I didn't get more pictures of him...but here is one of him admiring his transforming Rocket (from Little Einsteins)...

Jakob's dreams came true when he saw that Santa FINALLY brought him the night vision goggles that he's been wanting for the past couple of years...

They REALLY work too!

more spy gear!

fun games, foam rockets, and dinosaur books...fun fun!

Santa decided to continue a fun tradition and got us tickets to the Monster Truck Rally again this year...it is in January...we can't wait!

We had a very relaxing Christmas Day...I actually stayed in my pajamas all day! I loved it! The boys (ALL of them...ahem, BRAD!) had fun playing the Wii and I enjoyed reading and finishing a book I was reading.
We have loved getting all of your Christmas letters and cards and pictures...and please know that we didn't forget you this year...we are sending a New Year's letter...look for it soon!
On another note...today is our 8th anniversary! Time has flown by...and it has been wonderful. Who would have guessed that I'd meet my husband online, and marry him in a 3 month time span??? Crazy I know, but it was just meant to be. Now, 3 kids and 8 years later, we are still in love and as happy as ever! I love you babe!