So I doubt any of you care to know these details, but i want to document them nonetheless.
So far this pregnancy has been different from my others because I have puked and gagged more than EVER before and just have generally had a more sensitive stomach and nose...even things I THINK about can make my stomach turn! It's crazy.
That was pretty bad for about 3 straight weeks...but for the past week or so it has really started to taper off, which I am thankful for. Usually around 12-14 weeks I start to feel pretty normal again, so I'm really hoping this icky business is over soon!
One of the hardest/most annoying things to deal with is that I am ALWAYS starving and yet NOTHING sounds good to eat. Seriously? That is so ridiculous! I hate it! I normally have a super sweet tooth and crave chocolate ALL the time...well so far, most sweet things do NOT sound good to me. The one thing I have craved alot is POTATOES...mashed, fries, baked, in soup, etc. I guess I just want the starchy stuff...don't know why.
Another thing I've craved is MEAT. But the hard part about that, is that I don't like the smell of it that means I have to get take out or something. Protein definitely helps keep me fuller longer, but still isn't a magic fix!
I have NO feeling one way or the other about whether this baby is a girl or a dreams or impressions...but, I never had anything like that with my other pregnancies either, so I'm not really expecting to this time! first ultrasound is on March maybe we will find out then??? I will be about 14.5 weeks then...that's still a bit early to tell for sure, but I'm excited to see our little peanut on that screen!!!
Drew still doesn't really have any idea about the baby...Jakob and Joshy are still very excited! It's hard to imagine a 4th edition of brad+shari...but I am so excited to meet this baby and see his/her big brothers smother him/her with lots of LOVE!
Thank you to everyone who has wished me well and asked how I am...and offered to help out! It means a lot and I truly am grateful to have so many friends and family who are willing to help when we need it! LOVE YOU GUYS!